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18 Jun 2014 (TheAge) – Higher super access age grossly unfair

[COMMENT: This article highlights some of the issues regarding raising the retirement age, and the superannuation access age. Myself, for one, don’t believe that older people want to wait until into their 70s before they retire and access their superannuation. Many people will be lucky to live that long! Retirement years are supposed to be about enjoying life at long last!! Our government needs to be told what the population thinks about this, so please help spread our view!]

(18 June 2014, The Age, MONEY, p8, John Collett)

‘Ever since the Abbott government announced in the May budget that the pension age will rise to 70 by 2035, from 65 now, pressure has been building to also increase the preservation age, the age at which super can be accessed. The preservation age is on its way to 60, depending on your birth date. The argument is that the five-year gap between the pension age and the preservation age should be maintained.’


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