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bank bailout

This tag is associated with 2 posts

12 Aug 2019 (AFR) – Beware China’s dodgy bank bailouts

(12 August 2019, AFR, p28, Robert Guy, Senior Writer) ‘Global markets have focused on the weak yuan and trade war, but a bail out of a third small lender in as many months highlights the dangers in China’s banking system. If three makes a trend then investors need to start paying closer attention to the … Continue reading

17 Dec 2015 (AFR) – The great Greek bank robbery

(17 December 2015, AFR, p39, by Yanis Varoufakis, opinion letter) ‘Since 2008, bank bailouts have entailed a significant transfer of private losses to taxpayers in Europe and the United States. The latest Greek bank bailout constitutes a cautionary tale about how politics – in this case, Europe’s – is geared towards maximising public losses for … Continue reading
