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10 Nov 2018 (AFR) – Firing on all fronts – There is no GOP now, just Trump, so buckle in for a wild ride

(10 November 2018, AFR, p15, by Jacob Greber)

‘Washington | The American President battered yet undefeated by this week’s mixed-verdict election is only now beginning the real fight of his political life. Buckle up, because it’s going to be a two-year race against an enraged Democrat-led House of Representatives, threatening judicial inquiries, an economy nearing a series of worrying inflection points, a Republican Party beholden to its leader like never before, and Trump’s own deeply ingrained instinct for a fight. Underlying all of it is the remaking of America’s political landscape, dominated by widening divisions between city and country, coastal states and the interior, and the gutting of the political centre. None of it, however, means Trump can’t win re-election in 2020.’

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